Posts Tagged ‘Helarfest


Lite: An Interactive Art Installation by Adityo Pratomo

So finally, after all the hassle, limited time, and any kind of obstacles, I’ve managed to finished my interactive art work and exhibited it in an exhibition named Resonance. Resonance itself is a exhibition that exhibited interactive art and video art, and this is part of Helarfest 2009. Totally, there are 11 works that displayed in the exhibition. You can read more about Resonance and also Helarfest 2009 in general, by clicking here .

Lite in action

Lite in action

So, now let me introduce you to my work, I name it “Lite”. In a brief, in this work, I create an environment for a generative audiovisual art to grow. Here, light is the main character. Light is used as an argument for the algorithm that will generate some form of audiovisual. Basically, by moving a light source in front of the computer, people can generate music and visualization.

Technically speaking, in this work I use Processing and Pure Data. Processing is used to track light source movement in front of the camera. The output of this, is the coordinate of the light source, in x and y coordinate. The value of x and y, is then used as an argument in Pure Data to generate frequency in a simple synthesizer/16 step sequencer. In Pure Data, there will be 3 synthesizers that I made, one FM and one AM are used as a lead part while one simple Sine oscillator is heavily low passed and used as a low

frequency part of the sequence. How 2 values (x and y) are used as an input to the 32 frequency of the synthesizers are purely algorithm. I used simple math between these x and y to make them generate specific frequencies that relies on their respective value. So, different light source position will generate different part from the Pure Data. Processing and Pure Data are connected through OSC protocol. The Processing code is based on a Brightness Tracking Code from the Processing Example, while the Pure Data sequencer is based on a lesson in Pure Data Floss Manual.

Personally speaking, this is quite an achievement for me. I’ve managed to finish my

second interactive art work (albeit a simple one) and this is my first ever exhibited work. Spiritually, I also think that finishing an artwork is a step ahead of finding myself as a complete human. Having said this, now I’m ready to create another installation. So, if anyone out there seek for collaborator, I’m more than ready to contribute.

This work will be exhibited until 30 October 2009 at CCF, Jalan Purnawarman 32, Bandung. So, if you happened to be in Bandung, then make sure you visit this marvelous exhibition.


Emergency! Darurat!

Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya diajak teman untuk pameran di nusubstance 209, sebuah pameran yang menampilkan instalasi dan karya-karya seni multimedia interaktif. Nampak menarik, karena saya punya sesuatu untuk dipamerkan.

Namun, ketika saya tanya kapan tanggalnya, teman saya dengan enteng menjawab, 19 Oktober, yang sama dengan minggu depan! Hahaha… Padahal hingga tadi malam, alat buatan saya ini juga belum juga jadi.

Oke, jadi hingga at least tanggal 18, saya punya list yang harus saya kerjakan:

1. Membersihkan Ubuntu 8.04 saya, jadi bisa dipakai sistem dasar yang hanya untuk menjalankan karya saya
2. Menginstal Processing dan Pure Data extended
3. Menjalankan program yang sudah saya buat di keduanya
4. Memastikan keduanya bisa berkomunikasi via OSC
5. Menginstal webcam yang bisa berjalan di atas Processing
6. Membuat instalasi fisik

Fiuh… 6 langkah yang pastinya tidak sebentar. Okey then, mulai malam ini harus bergerak. Jadi kalau dalam beberapa waktu saya tidak aktif di dunia maya, mohon maaf ya 🙂

Doakan saya sukses, dan saya akan segera mengabari, sebenarnya apa sih yang saya bikin 🙂


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